Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well, I think I screwed up.
Carolyn, you have graciously posted twice now, and I can't read them.  Somehow I have figured out how to disable something without knowing.  I published an answer to your invisible post, and that didn't come up either.  May have to take this out of RSS feed.  That is the only thing I know I deliberately did.  Will see. 
Am slowly re-joining the human race, and have forgone the cross stitching for a bit in choosing to knit myself a prayer/comfort shawl in Homespun yarn.  It is easy, just knit, knit, knit.  No purling required, and my concentration level is so out of whack and continuing with counted cross stitch while riding in hubby's little truck, that it is not an activity that works.  There is more 'jounce to the bounce' in his little Colorado than is conducive to counted cross stitch needles and I can handle at this point.
Hopefully I can figure out how the comment form works and who knows, I may have to shut down the computer and restart to get it to work.  But not right now.  Have to get some food in the body.


  1. Well, we'll just keep trying - one of these days it'll show up! Looking forward to seeing your prayer shawl!

  2. Finally found camera last nite, so will try to take a picture soon.
