Monday, June 13, 2011


I lost Minnie today. She was 13 years and 7 months as that is as close to what the vet figured out her age when she came into the auction house all those years ago.
She slept under my left arm every night and would 'chirp' instead of meow everytime I entered the bedroom. I will fill you in on more about my beloved Minnie later.
Since I was with a heavy heart last night knowing what I had to do this morning, I just held her as much as I could without hurting her as much of the night as she would let me. She was in a lot of pain.
So will write more later.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Well, I'm back after the virus left me without the laptop for nearly 2 weeks. DH had a notebook that I jury-rigged and had to use ethernet cable for, but it was a distinct pain and sooooo slow.
Now have to figure out which stitching sites I was following. Everything was wiped off the desktop with the exception of my photos. He put them in a folder on the desktop for me so I have them.
Glad to be back.
Have a very sick 13 yr old cat and am so torn and saddened. May not be on for a bit.
Huggs, to all.